Saving Your Marr Rev./WKBK Women



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THE SAVING YOUR MARRAIGE BEFORE IT STARTS WORKBOOK FOR WOMEN will help you uncover and understand the unique shaping factors you bring into your marriage both as a woman and as an individual. Prepare for some surprising and helpful insights; for honest, intimate, and enjoyable relationship-strengthening conversations with you and your fiance; and for engaging discussions with a small group.

Twenty-four exercises will shed amazing new light on the way you are put together, how that affects specific aspects of the way you and your loved one relate, and how you can improve those areas to build a better relationship. You’ll gain unprecedented insights into:
-your personal ten commandments
– making your roles conscious
– getting your sex life off to a great start
– identifying your “hot topics”
– your spiritual journey…and much,much more

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Weight 0.155 kg


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