The Seven Sacrements


32 pages
dimensions: 14 x 18.5 cm

Availability: متوفر في المخزون SKU: 0899422780 التصنيفات: ,


The St. Joseph Picture Books Series is intended to help you teach the basics of the Catholic Faith to your children in an enjoyable manner. The books in the Series deal with one or more of the following themes: (1) the teachings of the Church, (2) the Christian way of life, (3) the Catholic worship (including both public and private prayers and devotions). Each book also carries the Imprimatur, assuring you that the contents are in line with Church teaching.

معلومات إضافية

الوزن 0.07 كيلوجرام
الأبعاد 18.5 × 14 سنتيميتر



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